Friday, 31 January 2014

Bloggers Around the World January Round-Up: Vietnam

Now what? Of course, you know what this means. We already have used up the first month of 2014. How was it?
Well, for me, apart from the moving thingy, things pretty much continue as last year. Alright, theoretically I have more time, but then again, I always find a way to use up my time ... like for example write up a round-up. Fine, it seems like, I don't really have time for this, because it's already a time of the day, where I could be in bed and don't have to tell myself "You are getting old!"
Anyway, why am I wasting time, I should rather start with the round-up now. There was a lot of lovely food available. Vietnam really was a nice and flavoursome place to visit.

Therefore ... let us us start with the real thing, the food in all those delicious posts ... or was it the post with all those delicious food. Ah, anyway, here it comes ...

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

A tiny little Tea Time Treat - Ginger and Lime Shortbread Sandwiches

How would you describe the difference between minimal, light, minimal to light and slightly when it comes to the absence of details in the picture on your television screen when playing back a progressive signal, 720p at 50 Hz, via your YPbPr input?
If you manage to figure out, you can understand what I have to go through at work sometimes.
Anyway, let us head over to something slightly more simple, tea time treats. What is a tiny little tea time treat for you?

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Fully Fed - Pulled Pork with Herb and Beer Cheese Buns

I know, there are quite a lot of things I haven't tried before. There is still a lot of food on my list to feed on ... eh to try, cook and eat. Sometimes I think, I should be cooking all day. Eh, well, for some thing you nearly have to do this literally, like for example pulled pork. An acquaintance talked about it, that he wanted to try it and then I saw something lovely on the net somewhere that encouraged me to try it, finally.
So I had a bit of a look on how to do it and then I had a go ...

Together with the pulled pork I wanted to have some Herb and Beer Cheesebuns.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Cocktails on a Stick - Blood Orange and Cuba Libre Popsicles

I have been invited to a party. Lovely! It's a popsicle party. Great! Really? I have eaten popsicles before, but never made any. I don't even have any popsicle moulds or something I could possibly use instead ... thinking ... So how could I possible enter this month's Sweet Adventures Blog Hop - Popsicle Party, which the lovely Swah from Love Swah is hosting?
Hm, right ... eh ... well ... eh ... have a look ...

So, how did I manage?
We will see ...

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Dr Jekyll and Mr Cook - Goat's Cheese, Beetroot & Bacon Ravioli

The night wasn't that spectacular. It had been as any other night. Almost! There hadn't been any thunderstorms, but ... it must have been like that ... I was tossing and turning in bed. Something was going on and then ... suddenly ... the alarm clock was ringing!
Indeed, things were ... strange ... this morning. I couldn't quite remember what I had dreamed, but since the bed sheet wasn't soaked with sweat, I assumed it couldn't have been a nightmare.
Whatsoever, I felt the strong urge to ... cook ... bake ... cook ... bake ... bake. Accordingly I have been cooking, baking, cooking, baking and baking all day up to know. In fact, it was so much, I can't tell you all about it right now, but I have picked out one of the stranger ones.
But how did it come that far? Was it something I drank? Was it maybe this wheat beer?

We won't find out. Then let me tell you a bit of my experiments in the kitchen with the pasta dough I found in the freezer ...

Thursday, 16 January 2014

From Failure to Bread-Stick Tomato Soup

Out of a sudden bread-sticks were on my to do list. What comes to your mind, when you think about bread-sticks?
Well, it would be lovely, if they are straight and they should make this snapping sound when you break them.
I had my standard yeast dough, I use in a similar form for pizza, ready and wanted to have a go. I had added some Parmesan and dried rosemary as well to the dough. Things started out nicely ...

I even made some extra effort to give them some spiral shape. Maybe there wasn't enough effort, for you can already see, they are not going to be straight. Anyway ...

Monday, 13 January 2014

Ready for challenges? Floating Islands

Have you ever thought about applying for The Great British Bake Off or for MasterChef or any other cooking contest? Have I? Ha ha ha ha ... oh ... would I really be able to pass any of those challenges? Would I be ready for the challenge?
Well, I reckon I would never apply, but ... there would be no harm in checking, whether I can do certain things they have done on these shows. Let's pick something they did on The Great British Bake Off: Floating Islands or as you would say in French îles flottante ...

Friday, 10 January 2014

To Taste with Tofu - Fried Tofu in Spicy Tomato Sauce

Everyone loves tofu. Right?




... eh ... eh ... au contraire? Rather the opposite? Oh! Well, there is a rumour tofu is bland and tasteless and you can live very much without it. At least that is what some feel.
I say, you can eat everything with the right sauce ... eh ... almost everything. Before we go on now, I don't have a problem with or without tofu. In fact I like to have it from time to time, but ... now to the right sauce ...

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Telly ... Brain ... Plate ... Chicken Pie

While I was doing some research for the Bloggers Around the World South Africa, I came across Masterchef South Africa. Did I tell you this before or am I having a déjà vu? Oh ... either way it would mean my brain is not functioning properly. That wasn't what I wanted to get to.
Anyway, in that episode the contestants where supposed to visit a restaurant, sample a dish and then cook it. Something like that I like as well. Fine, for one team it was chicken pie. From that moment I fancied to make chicken pie. 
Apparently that was about one month ago.
Now I like to share with you what got to my plate after it went from the telly through my (malfunctioning?) brain ...

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Houston, we have no problem - we are having Steak with Pesto

"Houston, Houston, do you read? We have no problem ..."
The same old subject - I haven't made a secret out of it, I like rocket. Yes once again I'm not really talking about spacecraft and the lot, although I thought of scanning some of the photos from my visit to Cape Canaveral, but ... honestly ... I have absolutely no clue where I have put those photos and I am absolutely ... honestly ... not the mood to go searching for them. Therefore, Eruca Sativa has to do. Well, you might want to call it arugula, but ... yes ... honestly ... I prefer the name rocket and I have absolute no intention of bothering you with the fact it belongs to the Brassicaceae family. No, I am not even going to mention that it is rich in vitamin C and potassium and the ancient Romans thought it to be an aphrodisiac. Oopsy, I did mention all that now, while the only thing I wanted to tell you was that I like to eat rocket. I show you ...

Oh, you didn't see it? Let me assure you, though, that rocket is included in this picture. I will tell you more ...

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Bloggers Around the World: Vietnam

Are you up already? Well, why wouldn't you be. How else could you read these lines or ... are you up and ready to go for new adventures, to boldly go, where you have never gone before? Then you are absolutely right here. Bloggers Around the World is an encouragement to leave your comfort zone and try new things from other places around the world. Of course, if you are from the featured country or cook regularly from that cuisine anyway, then it's also a good reason for the rest of us to appreciate it, too.
Are you ready for a new year of ...

... ? Of course you are right after I tell you, where it is we will be going this month ...