Since Galina and myself put up this challenge in April and as well in this month we enjoyed it a lot. I hope you did so to. In fact the challenge made me read more and also to read in a different way. Now I pay more attention to any kind of food and eating. However, there was not much food in the last book I read. With the book I just started recently, Frøken Smillas fornemmelse for sne by Peter Høeg. Besides of bringing back memories from my visit to Copenhagen there are quite some references to food. Yesterday when I was reading my appetite was whetted almost to the point I wanted to make some biscuits. However, due to some other recent discovery, I didn't.
So far, there was more food in the book, omelette, fish soup and raspberry cake. Yet more tempting bits. Anyway, I just wanted to make clear again, that reading, cooking and eating is fun. We don't want to dwell to much, though, on what I am reading right now, but on the lovely entries we got for this month, May.
As the month set off, so did Galina from Chez Maximka with her introduction to ReadCookEat for May and her Rout-Cakes inspired from Jane Austen's Emma.

Although Galina mentions something about a poor attempt at making rout-cakes, I am sure you will find them lovely, too. Indeed a good addition for your tea time.
From Bath, UK and Jane Austen we go over to Maycomb, Maycomb County, USA and Harper Lee. Here we are going to hopefully enjoy some Angel Food Cake with Strawberry and Rhubarb Jam, one of the cakes Boo Radley from the book To Kill a Mockingbird never received.
I'm quite happy I was able to hide the bits not to be seen beneath this strawberry and rhubarb jam.
Next in line was Cheryl from Madhouse Family reviews! She had been reading Last Refuge by Craig Robertson. The book was taking her to the Faroe Islands (maybe next time we do ReadTravelEat) and therefore the inspiration for food came from there, too. Sadly Cheryl was not in the mood to delight us with some sheep's head or dried whale blubber dishes. On the contrary, we can be quite lucky she didn't. Instead, she has a much more delicious and lovely looking Mango Vinegar Prawn Salad for us.
Now you have to come up with your own dish using dried whale blubber, if you can get any. Good luck!
What else do we have? It's again Cheryl delighting us with something edible and lovely, with Lemon Scones inspired by Above All Things by Tanis Rideout.
Considering the time of the day I would call myself lucky had I any of those in my kitchen now. Besides all this, Cheryl also provides us with a review of the book (that's true to the book mentioned before as well), which I find also very good.
As far as I can see it, the final post is coming from Alison and her blog Dragons and Fairy Dust. She had by reading John Grisham, to be more precisely his book Sycamore Row, which is set in Mississippi. The inspiration from this leads to a wonderful dish with the title Southern Style Jambalaya.
It's spicy and looks wonderful. To me this post is a reminder, I still want to try a Jambalaya dish. Have a look and maybe you feel this way, too.
This would be the end of the Round-up. In case I have missed your post or the time simply went by too fast and you were just about to prepare a post for ReadCookEat, simply give me a shout and I am sure I can do something about it.
In the meantime continue to have fun with reading books, cooking and eating ... see ya!