Welcome back! I reckon I have to do it and welcome myself back to the kitchen, since no one else is going to do it. Eh, well, how could possibly anyone else but me do this without knowing that I am actually back in my new flat cooking? I haven't told anyone, have I? Of course, I mentioned that I am going to move to a new flat and that I didn't have a kitchen to do some proper cooking anymore. Anyway, everything went well with the moving, just two dead and one injured. A friend, who helped, kept on knocking some pieces of furniture against his shinbone. So he had a little bit pain there afterwards, but nothing serious. As to the two dead one ... a clock went to the bin, because I was split in two halves. Then the plastic sign "Maltese on board" in my car broke to pieces. In fact the latter happened after the actual moving day - two days later - when I decided, for what reasons whatsoever, I needed a new bed. So I had no other choice as to transport it in my small sized car. Imagine for yourself ... Otherwise, things went so well, that actually I didn't need to take a day off from work. However, I already did. So, apart from getting a dentist appointment at the new dentist, acquainting myself with a new doctor and doing some shopping, I had ample of time to do some proper cooking again ...
For that we are going to make some fresh pasta dough, a spinach, goat's cheese and ham filling, a tomato salsa and a béchamel sauce ...
I need a bit of relaxation with all this moving business. I found about a million of pens and pencils in my flat. Then I can't decide whether to keep more cups and glasses, although I already have more than enough. They might come in handy at some point. So, relaxation! What better could I do than write a post. Even without a kitchen I managed some cooking. In fact the pasta with butter, garlic, parmesan and bacon was quite tasty today. Still, I like to bother you with some older material. I would like to do some more burger building for you now: Cheese'N'Onion Burger with Egg ...
I think I might have mentioned it already at some point. I am moving to a new flat. Well, that is only one side to the story, but ... anyway ... there are other things, too. Already I have spent some time for getting rid of things, putting things into boxes, and carrying things away. Since the beginning of November, the whole thing moved to phase two. That means I am able to drop things in the new flat. So things are really hot and I work a lot after work. However, there was one more thing. The kitchen in my present flat had to get a new owner elsewhere. The plan was, to do it next week, quite close to the actual move. Things went different ...
To me it seems I'm working now a very long long time on my move to a new flat and I still have a lot to do. I tried a relative organised way to do it, but ... I keep on doing here a bit and there a bit. Well, that doesn't mean I don't get anything done. It's rather gives me some variety and in the end ... I am sure about ... well, have to be ... that everything will be achieved in time. Anyway, it's a long goodbye from this place. Therefore it's only fitting I have a long lunch ... eh ... well ... eh ... sort of ...
... yes, it was fresh, it was long and it was delicious ...
Once more, I survived. Well, at some points it was a bit frightening, but in the end, yes, I survived. I have to say, though, that today's events can not be classed as one of my favourites. Fine, maybe sometimes I like a bit of thrilling, but for sure not killing. On the other hand, I might be exaggerating a bit. Just a little bit. Right, but still I am not a huge fan of travelling by car in darkness, in an unknown area, with a car below average, in the pouring rain and with additional poor vision through the windscreen that wouldn't clear properly. To say it once more, I survived and ... this kind o experience for sure does NOT belong to my favourites ... Saying this, we come to our actual subject: Bloggers Around the World ...