
Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Cocktails on a Stick - Blood Orange and Cuba Libre Popsicles

I have been invited to a party. Lovely! It's a popsicle party. Great! Really? I have eaten popsicles before, but never made any. I don't even have any popsicle moulds or something I could possibly use instead ... thinking ... So how could I possible enter this month's Sweet Adventures Blog Hop - Popsicle Party, which the lovely Swah from Love Swah is hosting?
Hm, right ... eh ... well ... eh ... have a look ...

So, how did I manage?
We will see ...

My brain got a bit heated p at work today, so I desperately needed something to cool it down again. But how can this be, since you can not have popsicles instantly?
Good I was preparing them yesterday, although I didn't know of the activities at work today at that time. Whatsoever ... popsicles. The only mould I could think of, was the one for ice cubes. I have that one where the ice cubes get a whole in the middle. So I could freeze the popsicles in that mould and stick them on some chopsticks later.
From ice cubes it wasn't too far to cocktails. So we are having some cocktails on sticks.
As a result I started experimenting with some booze. Even diluted mint liqueur doesn't freeze well, but ... Coke with rum and lime juice does. That gives us a Cuba Libre Popsicle.
On a 200 ml glass you would use the juice of half a lime, 2 cl rum and the remaining part Coke. Freeze ... on a stick ... popsicle.
As a balance I froze some freshly squeezed blood orange juice as well. Oh, I could have mixed a bit of rum in that one as well. I reckon orange juice with a bit of Blue Curacao will work as well.

Have a cocktail on a stick then ...
... and while you are at it, why not check out what other popsicles this party has to offer ...



  1. Cocktails on a stick! I love it! Thanks for joining the hop :)

  2. I'm looking for a item of details for cookings, and I discovered here a lot of it. Awesome content and exactly what I need. Most of all I like the design. Excellent job, thanks.

  3. What a clever idea! Confess I never had a cocktail on a stick. Love blood oranges.

    1. Well, it came all spontaneously into my mind.


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