
Monday, 11 November 2013

The End, Random Recipes and a Roasted Chicken

I think I might have mentioned it already at some point. I am moving to a new flat. Well, that is only one side to the story, but ... anyway ... there are other things, too. Already I have spent some time for getting rid of things, putting things into boxes, and carrying things away. Since the beginning of November, the whole thing moved to phase two. That means I am able to drop things in the new flat. So things are really hot and I work a lot after work.
However, there was one more thing. The kitchen in my present flat had to get a new owner elsewhere. The plan was, to do it next week, quite close to the actual move. Things went different ...

Everyone has a full schedule, so there was only one possible day: today. I found out about 22 hours before that, but ... all the cupboards and the fridge had to be emptied and ... great ... a little bit cleaned. Hey, no worries, after all I still had 22 hours to do it ...

This is the end. Now the kitchen is gone, no more cooking ... until the end of the month. The last thing being cooked ... well ... there was this fruit crumble. I simply threw the last frozen fruits from the freezer compartment of the fridge into a dish and threw some sugar and crumble over it. Not really proper cooking.
The last real thing being cooked here was ...


... something for Random Recipes, which Dom is running on Belleau Kitchen.
He he he ... apart from 5 cookbooks all others had gone into some boxes. So it shouldn't be too hard. The random choice came to Bills Sydney Food by Bill Granger. After cooking even the last 5 books went into a box.
But first of all a recipe had to be selected ... randomly. I opened the book and there was the recipe. I jotted down the needed ingredients and some time later went to get them. Ha! I wasn't able to get all the ingredients. In fact, I couldn't get the main ingredient, nor did I have any ideas or intentions for exchanging that ingredient. So no point in doing it.
I had to do a second run on the book: Roasted Chicken with tomato salad and garlic yoghurt. All ingredients are simple: Chicken, onion, salt, pepper, olive oil, lemons, tomatoes, yoghurt and garlic.
Whoever thinks, he can just jot down the ingredients, buy them and just start cooking at a desired point in time, can be in for some surprises. I keep reminding myself, to always read the complete recipe before planning on cooking something.
The chicken had to be seasoned with salt and pepper, be placed on a bed of onions, covered with some slices of lemon, receive some olive oil and ... marinate for FOUR hours before proceeding ...

Right, there is now plenty of work everywhere in my place. I just have to get a snack and have the real thing later ...
Time is up ... the chicken has to be roasted on a different tray. Lovely that will be quite messy for the oven. Some extra cleaning. After roasting on both sides, the chicken went to the oven in the first dish again together with the onions and the lemons.
Finally, after about five hours, it's time to eat.

The roasted chicken tasted quite lemony and was served with tomato salad and garlic yoghurt. Yes, it tasted really great. All in all I would say a deserving last dish for that kitchen ...



  1. Good luck with your move, Chris! That chicken looks very tasty!

    1. Thank you, Galina! I for sure will need it. Yes, the chicken was very tasty. I simply couldn't resist and had to ...

  2. moving can be very stressful and being without a kitchen even more so, so I wish you best of luck and commend you and thank you for even thinking about taking part in this months random recipes!... the chicken looks so simple and tasty, I think lemon chicken is just superb so yes, this is a very fitting last supper!

    1. Thanks, Dom! The whole thing is/was kind of dragging, but now things move a bit better. The chicken was really great. Anyways, I refuse to be defeated. Even right now, without a kitchen I am cooking some lovely chilli lemony courgette slices.

  3. Good luck! I hope your move goes smoothly. Seeing that you randomly found out only 22 hours in advance when you had to move the kitchen I think a random recipe is definitely a fitting last tribute. :-)

    1. Thank you, Ruth! I hope so, too. In two weeks I know more, though. Then I will also do proper cooking again.


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