
Monday, 28 October 2013

Coffee Liqueur Chilli

Sometimes you wake up ... it's best to wake up every day ... and you already know what you want for dinner. I just had that a few weeks ago. And it was chilli that I wanted, some really hot chilli with some coffee in it. So I had to gather all the forces of hotness and have some chilli ...

I had to do quite some harvesting on my chilli plants to do this, but still I am lucky the plants continue to produce more chillies.
Here we go then for the Coffee Liqueur Chilli ...

Before I started I knew about most of the ingredients I wanted to put into the chilli, but the coffee liqueur was some kind of spontaneous thing.

Splash of oil
1 onion, finely chopped
500 g minced beef
50 g tomato puree
10 chillies or more (whatever you have - fire at will), finely chopped
1 red bell pepper, cut into small pieces
400 g of kidney beans
200 ml strong hot coffee
20 ml coffee liqueur

Heat up the oil in a sufficiently large pan and let the onion have a go on low to medium heat for 5-10 minutes.
Then let the meat get involved. Add it to the pan and continue frying until it is all sealed.
Time for the tomato puree to go in and while you are already at it, you can add the chillies as well. By the way, if you are a wuss, you can remove the seeds of the chillies before you put them in. However, I reckon we wouldn't want that.

Fine, the bell pepper goes into the mix. Ah, no fuss, the kidney beans go as well. 
By now you should have the coffee ready, for it goes into the pan together with the coffee liqueur. Bring everything to the boil then and let it simmer for 30 minutes or so. You can add some water, if you feel it is getting to dry or leave it longer simmering when you feel it's to wet. As you see fit, use some salt to adjust the taste.
Once ready ... plate it up. You can have it with rice or tortillas or ... use you imagination. I had it with rice first of all.

However, I had leftovers and had the chance to enjoy the chilli yet again. That time I enjoyed it wrapped in some tortillas together with a few cubes of feta. That was even greater. Well, after all it was some days later. You know, some food gets better with time.
Enjoy your day and ... who knows ... you go to bed and next morning you wake up and you have a strong craving for chilli for dinner ...

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