
Monday, 21 October 2013

Burger Builder - 'To the Moon & Back' Rocket Burger

Oh, how lucky we are that some words have different meanings. Do you know this game - we used to play it sometimes in school - where two pupil are explaining two different things, bit by bit of course and the answer to both things is the same word. Ah, maybe then again you don't know.
Fine, let's have a try: the one thing can take you to the moon ... and maybe back as well (ah, I was just listening to that song again) and the other thing is edible. 
You know the solution already? I guess you have cheated. How could you not? After all it was quite obvious from the title of the post that the answer is: rocket. Then I guess we can skip the singing and the lyrics analysis and go directly over to preparing some food, burgers to be precise. Well, to be even more precise: 'To the Moon & Back' Rocket Burgers ...

Let us suppose you have your beef burger patties already ... eh ... ready. Then we ...

... suppose as well, you have your favourite buns ready as well.

As we want to make it to the moon & back we need some proper fuel for our rocket, something that really burns ... well. I have decided to go with some good old harissa. That always burns nicely. Have some of it on both halves of the bun, the bottom and the top. Then have some rocket leaves on the ground side of the burger. Now we have a good base to start with.

Next comes a bit of crispy bacon. Eh, yes of course you can use more rocket as shown on the picture and if you feel you need the double amount of bacon, go for it. I'm confident you will manage in the end ... that is ... if you have a big mouth.

What else? Right, some slices of tomato. So in the end we can pretend we had some healthy salad with salad leaves and tomato and everything. Arrange at own will as the bun allows. On mine I have somehow limited space and it wasn't really a round one.

Fine, we could have continued with the burger patty by now, but I decided to make sure I have enough cheese on it, so I want cheese on both sides of the patty. Well, have a bit of mozzarella and then ...

... the patty ... fresh from the barbie ... or the frying pan. Whatever!

As I said, more mozzarella. Hm, from the rocket, the tomatoes and the mozzarella we might have called it even an Italian burger, but unfortunately the harissa was kind of clashing with that theme. Anyway, one more step ...

Put a lid on it and ... done! Have a burger, enjoy it, if you can. Then let me ask you a question: What is your favourite burger?
As for me, cheese definitely plays an important part in the whole progress. I did some more burger building in the weeks past. I will let you know about a few more.
During this experimenting I was a bit greedy once and had a burger with two beef burger patties and a thick slice of strong Austrian cheese ...

See you when I see you!


  1. I've never heard of the game before but these burgers sure look good!

    1. Thanks! The burgers tasted also very nice. At that time I really had a wave of burgers coming in.

  2. Respect your building skills, very nice looking burger!

    1. Thank you, Galina. Well, I guess a ciabatta bun would have been even better. Maybe another time.


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