
Monday, 13 May 2013

Bloggers Around the World Round-up: India

You should stop when things are at their best. Why is that? How am I supposed to know. However, there is something I do know. One month has past again, so it's time to finish our stay in India for Bloggers Around the World.


Did you have a pleasant stay and enjoyed some nice food? You have to speak for yourselves, but I did. Let's see, what everyone came up with ...

First was Nicole from Yumsome! That was the fastest entry for Bloggers Around the World so far. Right the next day Nicole entered her Tomato Masala. When I see it, I get hungry again. Above that it comes with all the facts you need, like cost per serving and nutrition facts. Good!

Tomato masala, shown here with paneer and pappads

We go on with some more lovely food from Janet at the taste space - steam, bake, boil, shake! There we get good taste with Basmati Rice Pilaf with Caramelized Onions and Broccoli. Just look at how fresh it looks.

Enjoy it! What else?  Are you familiar with garam masala? For sure you will enjoy Diane's Garam Masala Chicken. Head over to Simple Living and Eating to find out more and ... as a bonus ... so to say ... find some more lovely Indian food.

Chicken Masala

Any thoughts on cheese? I couldn't live without it. Great thing we also have some cheese in India - paneer. So, just have a look what great food Caroline conjured with it ... Caroline Makes ... Paneer Curry. Sounds intriguing? Find out.

Do you want something for pudding? Then have this rice pudding.

So far the entries I found around here.

Back to this stopping thing ... stopping when things are best. How am I supposed to know when things are best. They still could get better. 
I myself might be down at something somewhere, but I refuse to give up (for now). Where do we go then next. I guess the following would be nice. Let us go back to Europe and do ...


There is still so much lovely food to enjoy. Italian food is one of my favourites. I reckon I need to get  some basil ready.
A few words for the trip ...
  1. Leave a comment with a link to your post here in this very post or send me an email at or even - if you don't have a blog of your own - post a fitting photo on my Facebook page.
  2. Link to my blog and this challenge in your post.  
  3. Use the "Bloggers Around the World" badge (the one you find at the beginning and end of this post ... you know!).  
  4. You can use a new or an old post, but it has to be adjusted accordingly (you know, all the linking). 
  5. You can have up to three entries, but ... if you just post on my Facebook page, you can have as many as you want.
  6. Enjoy cooking, eating and posting. La vita e bella ... I reckon.
So, make sure to check in before the 13th of June to leave something here with us.

We see us when we see us! 


  1. Hi Christian,
    So glad to join you. Here is my contribution to India.

    1. Thanks a lot Diane. I love to add it. Hm ... I would say ... glad you joined.

  2. I'll definitely do Italy, Chris!

    1. Everything else wouldn't make any sense. :-)
      In the spirit of it there is something Italian boiling in the kitchen right this very moment.

  3. hi Christian, I missed your deadline by a day, sorry! Any chance you could add this to the roundup?

    I promise I won't be late with the Italy entry - I just made fresh pasta for the first time last week and haven't blogged about it yet so that's perfect!

    1. Am I a nice person? Some would say 'no'. Find out for yourself ...
      Thanks for joining!

  4. Hi Christian,
    I have just made a Puttanesca dish. Thanks for hosting the challenge!

    1. Well, what can I say? Thanks for joining. It's a pleasure.

  5. Excellent decision, though I don't enter very often, it would be very sad not to have this challenge around. To celebrate I 'll enter Italy with that fab aubergine dish.

    1. Good, we are looking forward to it then. Aubergine sounds already good.

  6. My favorite Italian dish!

    1. Great! Thank you! That is one of my favourite dishes, too. I like your version already very much.


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