
Friday, 10 August 2012

Crêpes Fourrées et Flambées - #CookForJulia

Previously on #CookForJulia ...

Cook For Julia Teal Logo #CookForJulia
... cutting mushrooms ... simmering ... Lucy ... the Muppet Show ...

... as I said we are going to have some action in the kitchen with orange liqueur and fire for a dessert. Did you already recover from that Swedish Chef? Are you ready now? I hope so.
What is it it then, we want to do today? Eh ... just a moment ... I did it already yesterday! I just wanted to mention that detail.
Alright! Yesterday! It was: Crêpes Fourrées et Flambées. Or in other words (that is English): Crêpes with Orange-almond Butter, Flambées (OK, I didn't translate everything, but you get it anyway).
First of all we need the Crêpes batter. In fact Julia's book gives three variations: normal, with beaten egg white, or with yeast. Guess, which one I selected? I wanted some exercise.

It doesn't look too spectacular, but don't let you put off by this. We are working on it. In fact, it is not a quick thing. The lid goes on and the batter disappears for at least two hours in the fridge.
That gives as plenty of time to prepare a mushroom soup and ... the orange-almond butter.

Here you already see sugar and orange peel on a chopping board. I only wished I had taken the larger one ... well, cleaned the larger one to be able to use it.

Whatever, this one had to do the job. And it did, in a messy kind of way, but it worked.

Together with 250 g of softened butter and the juice from the oranges and orange liqueur (some of the liqueur already went into the batter) and ... of course ... pulverized almonds combine together with that.
About two hours later we can start with doing the Crêpes, after folding in some white substance taken from eggs. Now you can use different sizes of pans for that. You only need to be aware that things can go wrong.

So after a bit of trial and error I decided for the smaller pan. There things were looking already better.

After finishing a Crêpes and starting already the next one I spread some of the orange-almond butter on it and roll it together.

On the side an oven-proof dish is already waiting. A couple of these Crêpes join forces together in it and get sprinkled with sugar just before they make their way into the oven for a couple of minutes.

Now we get some orange liqueur (what? we already used some before? no worries!) ready and heat it up a bit.
Then there comes the time where the Crêpes return from the oven. That is the time for FIRE! We pour a bit of the alcohol over the Crêpes and light it.

Oops! That didn't look so impressive on the photo. If you look hard enough, you see some flames actually, but this is far from being action. What can I do about this?

Does this look better? Here you see the fire clearly, not on the Crêpes, though. We have to resist the temptation to pour more and more liqueur over the Crêpes, for they will taste or get rather boozy! You wouldn't want that, would you?
Anyway, those orange-almod filled Crêpes are absolutely a winner, wonderful flavour and dangerously yummy.I hope, you enjoyed it: "Bon Appétit!"


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! But I must have something wrong, because I have so much orange-almond butter left. But, no worries, I already have been pondering and a plan is forming.

  2. Almond and orange crepes - how lovely Chris! Did you eat all of them :-)
    I can see the flame very clearly in the photo - well done for the flambee!

    1. Thank you! It was a bit critical to get that fire and photo thing right without any assistance. As to the eating, they were not that big.
      Another day I used the leftover crêpes batter to have some crêpes with Nutella - quick and yummy. I go on diet another time ... hm ... I just use up more energy, I guess.

  3. Hooray, Julia lives again! these look fantastico as do the flames and I want some - please :)

    1. I'm so sorry! It's all gone, but I hope you will love what I have done with the leftover orange-almond butter, too!


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