
Friday, 17 August 2012

Bookmarked Recipes: Asian Dressed Aubergine

Every day, thousands of bloggers worldwide write down thousands of lovely recipes, which are in turn are read by ... well ... it would be nice if by thousands as well ... each.

However, a wonderful thing is to get to know that actually some likes your recipe and has tried it as well. Considering this, I would say Ruth from Ruth's Kitchen Experiments had a brilliant idea, the Bookmarked Recipes blog challenge.


This month it is hosted by Jacqueline from Tinned Tomatoes. Thank you, you two, for that!
There is a long list of bookmarks on my Internet browser. So I am glad to try one and share my experiences with you.
For this I have chosen to try a recipe from Jacqueline (don't get confused here) from How to be a Gourmand. It is: Asian Dressed Aubergine (I guess you have gathered that already from the title of that post). 
There were these aubergines that fell into my hands. Well, I bought them to be honest. No miracles involved here. I would love to grow my own, but things do not always work out.
The recipe is not too complicated. It promises some nice Asian flavours to which I was looking forward to. After all I was in the mood for that kind of flavours.
Most of the ingredients I already had in stock. Only the aubergines had to be bought (I told you). Right, I could have bought some sweet basil and coriander. As I know, though, this is not an easy matter around here and since all this was very spontaneous after those aubergines were seen by me, I somehow had to do without those. Why not use normal basil and rocket? I don't know, we will see later, although under normal circumstances I would urgently suggest that you really use coriander (that is, if you like the taste).

My coriander on the windowsill was far from being ready to be used. And I didn't want to wait for that.
The aubergines were easy victims.

Coating them was also no big deal, although of course the marinade was slightly adjusted. Off they went to be grilled. Patiently I was checking again and again, whether the colour would be right.

As soon as that was the case I could do the rest. As Jacqueline mentioned in the recipe it would be optional to add some red chillies. That is what I did. after all I have a more or less large collection of plants on my windowsills.

When I harvested a few of the chillies the first time I thought, well, that is not like chilli, not really hot. It tastes rather like normal peppers. 
However ... things have changed ...

What do you think? Does this look nice? I simply had the aubergine without anything to it. After a long day most of the time just sitting around that would be fine. It tasted really nice, despite the few adjustments and ... of course the chillies did really burn ... and it took a while afterwards to let my mouth cool down.
Nevertheless it was nice. I wasn't disappointed. Therefore I can only recommend to try it for yourselves, making sure about the chillies before you use them, though.
Since you are finished reading here, why not read the original blog post.


  1. Hi Chris,
    Thanks for trying my recipe. I do hope the heat has subsided somewhat. I am a fan of very spicy food.
    Love the fact that you grow your own chillies :-)
    Did you add any soy/sesame oil/sweet chilli sauce/ lemon juice to the recipe?
    Thanks so much for mentioning my blog. Very kind x

    1. Hello Jacqueline! I did everything according to your instructions ... of course apart from the coriander bit. So, yes, I used soy, sesame oil, sweet chilli sauce and lemon juice.
      Usually I also love spicy food, but I guess in this case, really, one of my chillies should have been enough.
      I should have known better. After all, there was this chillie incident before ...


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