
Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Mexican pork'n'something stew

Well, well, well, I don't know. I bought this pork meat the other day, cut into cubes. I wanted to try some special Vietnamese dish. Good! It would take some two hours or more prep time before I can start with the actual cooking. OK! 
But I didn't have that time actually. Bad!
Now what to do with the meat before it goes of? Maybe something Greek? Do I have a recipe or an idea somewhere? No!
What does the Caribbean cookbook say? That would be nice, won't it? Nothing! Oh well, not exactly right. It said something like: "Leave the meat to marinate for about four days ..." Great!
Mexican? Oh, that comes close. But, there is one tiny little thing, I don't exactly have all the ingredients mentioned there. Forget it! Just go roughly by it.
What then could be used in this Mexican pork stew?

Ingredients (if you have, or simply use what you like - he he he):
one large onion finely chopped
two cloves of garlic finely chopped
80 ml oil
500 g pork in cubes
80 g rice
400 g t  tinned tomatoes
500 ml of chicken stock
500 g peeled potatoes cut into, eh, cubes
two oranges
a good splash of Tequila
salt, cayenne pepper
one yellow chili
two tablespoons of peanut butter
100 ml cream
2 tablespoons of runny honey

What then to do with this strange(?) round up?

Heat up the oil and fry the onions and the garlic until it becomes translucent or something like that. Then add the meat and the rice and brown it slightly.
If you have achieved this pour in the tomatoes and the chicken stock. Season it and add the splash of Tequila (if you can manage with your conscience, have one Tequila added to yourself as well - or leave it).
All this you simmer now for approx. 30 minutes. When you feel like it or about after that aforementioned 30 minutes throw in the potatoes and the oranges (not as a whole - use your imagination). 
Let everything cook for a further 25 minutes. Finally, right at the end, before everything is ready, once you decided it should be over now ... put in the cream, peanut butter and honey. Mix well, briefly bring it to the boil ... and then serve it.

It might look like this ... or not!

As you might have noticed you can garnish it with some parsley ... or take coriander if you have some (feels more Mexican).


  1. Hi, have added your linkie as you left a comment, this looks lush.


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