
Friday, 10 February 2017

Pan Roasted Vegetables with Chicken

For sure you know this. You have a whole day free from work, no appointments, no nothing. One hour goes, then the next and then the next and before you know it the day is gone.
Right, maybe you don’t know this, because you always have a busy schedule and have to do a lot of things, going here and there and being everywhere and doing things for everyone or just excessively for your boss or the opposite entertainment.
Either way, it might be the case you wasted some of your time. Sometimes it has to do with priorities and sometimes with motivating oneself.
Whatever the case, thing like this happen from time to time and usually we are not worried that much about it, even if you have wasted a whole day doing nothing. Maybe you have at least relaxed from the hardships of life.
Call me guilty! For that I am!
BUT … and that is a big BUT (yes, you noticed the upper case letters, fine), I don’t want to be guilty of wasting food.
Once again I have averted the throwing away of food, this time by cooking this …

Let me call this …
Pan Roasted Vegetables with Chicken
As I got two quarters of pumpkins, obviously, I had to use them up. So, watch the line-up of saved food items and watch the show …
A splash of olive oil
1 onion, finely chopped
2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
1 carrot, finely chopped
2 potatoes, finely chopped
1/8 part of a Hakkori F1 pumpkin (or similar, maybe 400 g), chopped
1 green bell pepper, finely chopped
2 hand full of cherry tomatoes, halved
Some leftover chicken meat, cut into large cubes
Leaves from one sprig of rosemary, finely chopped
A large splash of white wine
Salt and pepper
When I think about the ingredients list, I just gave you, it is almost clear what to do. You could just add the ingredients in order of appearance to the pan and … but, we can do it differently …
Lightly heat up the olive oil and add the onions and garlic and cook until translucent.
I decided to put in the other vegetables according to the time they need for cooking or the way I wanted to have them in the end. So you could use the order set out in the list, but if you have a different pumpkin you might want to add it a bit later. Anyway, I do it the cook as you chop way. So, no worries, no hectic, in a relaxed way, chop the ingredients and add to the pan. Don’t forget to season with salt and pepper.
When the vegetables are to your liking, add the rosemary and the leftover chicken (if you want or have chicken) as the chicken is already cooked (leftover, right?) and you just have to heat up the chicken.
Finally pour in the white wine and reduce it a bit.
Time for eating. Somehow, I also had a bit of the goat’s cheese dip, which I mentioned in my previous post, so I served it together with it.

I enjoyed it very much, the dip really did an excellent job with it. Again, some food items saved, mostly it was the piece of pumpkin, the carrot, the chicken and the dip.
Gebratenes Gemüse mit Hähnchen
Ja, das hört sich jetzt ja nicht unbedingt so aufregend an, aber wir sollten uns die Sache erst einmal näher anschauen. Das besondere hier ist schon mal, dass hier wieder Kürbis vorkommt. Gut, ich hätte das ganze ja auch Gebratenes Gemüse mit Kürbis und Hähnchen nennen können.
Doch nun zu den Einzelheiten …
Zutaten:Ein Spritzer Olivenöl
1 Zwiebel, feingehackt (nicht weinen)
2 Knoblauchzehen, feingehackt
1 Möhre, kleingeschnitten
2 Kartoffeln, kleingeschnitten
1/8 Hakkori F1 Kürbis (oder was anderes, vielleicht 400 g), kleingeschnitten
1 grüne Paprika, kleingeschnitten
2 Hände voll Kirschtomaten, halbiert
Etwas fertig gekochtes Hähnchenfleisch (gutes vom Vortag)
Blätter von einem Zweig Rosmarin, feingehackt
Einen großen Spritzer Weißwein
Salz und Pfeffer
Das Olivenöl auf kleiner Hitze erhitzen und die Zwiebeln und den Knoblauch andünsten.
Dann hab ich so gedacht, das restliche Gemüse entsprechend der Kochzeit zum erreichen der gewünschten Konsistenz nachwerfen. Meine gewünschte Reihenfolge geht aus der Zutatenliste hervor. Einfach genug Zeit lassen beim Kleinschneiden und immer, wenn was fertig ist in die Pfanne geben. Mit Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken.
Wenn das Gemüse gemäß den Wünschen weich genug gekocht ist, kann der Rosmarin und das Hähnchenfleisch mit in die Pfanne, um das Fleisch zu erwärmen.
Mit dem Weißwein das ganze dann noch abrunden und ihn ganz minimal einkochen.
So … Zeit zum Essen. Ich hart noch was von dem Ziegenfrischkäsedip vom letzten Beitrag übrig. Der passte super dazu. Na denn, lasst es euch schmecken …